Awakening Together as


When your child has a health issue or disability

Is your child seriously ill, recovering from an accident or coping with a disability?  

Are you and your partner drifting farther and farther apart under the stress? 

Would you like to know how to support each other, work as a team and find joy in your relationship — even in the midst of your child’s health challenge?  

,Awakening Together as Parents: When Your Child Has a Health Issue or Disability

You want your child to be happy and healthy again!

When your child is struggling with health problems or disabilities, all you want is for the frustration and/or pain to go away and the child to be happy again. Nothing else matters.

But your family can only handle so much stress

As time passes, you begin to notice that there is a change in the dynamic between family members. Everyone has had to make adjustments to cope with the illness or disability, and everyone in the family is under stress.

At some point, you become aware that the family can only handle so much stress before something else is going to go out of balance for the family. There comes a time, when the other needs of the family can’t wait any longer. Maybe you are aware that the accumulated stress is threatening your marriage, or one of the other children is struggling in some other aspect of life.

That’s the time most couples consider this Awakening Together As Parents Group. This group is for couples, who realize that their marriage needs strengthening in order to handle the additional load that the illness or disability of the child brings to the whole family.

How Your Sick or Disabled Child Probably Views Family Tensions

When you get to this crossroads it helps to have some understanding about how the child, who is ill or differently abled might see the situation. Since children don’t have the ability to understand the complicated dynamics of the situation, they simplify the situation. From the child’s viewpoint, their problems are the cause of any conflicts that might arise in the family. If the child wasn’t having problems, the family wouldn’t be burdened and unhappy. Understandably, as much as the child wants to get better, what the child wants just as much is for their parents and their whole family to be happy again.

Psycho-Spiritual Wisdom for Regaining Balance and Rekindling Relationships

As parents of a child with a challenge, it’s important to understand that your work is not just about helping the child get better, it’s also about regaining emotional balance for that child and the family as a whole. 

How do you do that?

When your child is struggling, the key to success in your marriage is to learn how to use the challenge to make a quantum leap in spiritual growth. Some of the steps involved in making that leap include learning advanced communication skills and discovering psycho-spiritual insights that can bring more harmony.

But in order to really allow your relationship to flourish when illness, disability or accident impact your child’s life – it’s going to take a paradigm shift of a spiritual nature.  Our Awakening Together as Parents: When Your Child Has A Health Issue or Disability group encourages and supports you taking on these challenge

It’s about not just regaining emotional balance; there is actually a “secret” psych-spiritual understanding that can be learned from challenging situations. We call this psycho-spiritual understanding “Heart Wisdom”.

Our Awakening Together As Parents: When Your Child Has A Health Issue or Disability group offers Spiritual Mentoring to show you how to access this Heart Wisdom so that your family can flourish again.

The Silent Conflict Couples with Sick or Disabled Children Often Face

Parents do everything they can to relieve the child’s suffering.Usually, in the process of addressing the needs of the child who has these kind of challenges, the couple has to divide forces. One of them, often the mother, takes on the role of caregiver for the child to the exclusion of most everything else. This can mean that the mother might have to let go of her job, career, or business which leaves the other partner, usually the father, with heavy financial responsibilities. The pressure to earn enough money to care for the family when the other parent isn’t working, combined with increased medical expenses can be overwhelming. Shifting roles like this can be stressful on both partners, and the marriage as well.

In addition, if there are other children in the family, they often receive less attention as their parents focus on the child who is struggling. Eventually the other children begin to falter, and they require more input from the parents.
All of this adds up to both parents being exhausted and having very little time for themselves or the relationship. It’s understandable that the couple begins to drift apart, and forgo communication with one another in order to cope with the increase in demands placed upon them during this difficult time.
When the couple finally has a moment to sit back and relax, all the tensions between them come to the surface. They both want to be enjoying one another’s company like they used to do, but instead they find themselves arguing. This pattern can amplify over time eventually leading to the couple avoiding each other to avoid conflict.

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

The Hart’s have been there on more than one occasion, and they know what it’s going to take for you and your partner to move through the conflict and discover a new level of trust and intimacy.
In order for your relationship to grow strong, you both need to talk courageously about what you really think and how you really feel. Even if your communication was great before the child began struggling, you probably need some new tools to communicate now that the situation is more complex. It can make a big difference to have some compassionate support for re-engaging in effective communication.The most important ingredient in rekindling your love is a willingness to grow on a psycho-spiritual level, both as individuals and as a couple.
Sharon and Trevor Hart

How Trevor and Sharon moved through times of uncertainty with grace and courage….

We know because we have been there ourselves

Over 30 years ago, our son Jaison was born and it wasn’t long before we realized he had some serious challenges. As the years passed, we discovered he had health challenges, including medically uncontrollable epilepsy, serious struggles with communication and socialization, and neurological scoliosis that led to a full back spinal replacement.

But it is possible to help your child or children to succeed in life. Today, Jaison is a playwright.

As you know, having a child who is struggling in life is not easy.

Yet, despite these challenges we can honestly say we are more in love now than when we first met.

What it took for us to get here was not just psychological growth, and not just focusing on improving communication. What it took was learning how to Awaken Together on a spiritual level.

So if we can find joy in life despite all we have been through with our child, then there is hope for your relationship too.

Learn More About Us

How Trevor and Sharon Work Together

Trevor and Sharon will be co-facilitating these spiritual mentoring groups offering different, but very complementary approaches. Their marriage of over 35 years is a Divine partnership based on a deep commitment to awakening and a gift to students.

Sharon’s Quantum Dialogue Works™ accesses the layer of the holographic mind that can literally and instantaneously liberate one from the knots of psychological suffering by switching identification from “personhood” to the holographic wholeness that we all are.

Trevor’s Lightbody Engineering ™ is a remote spiritual healing tool that works on a quantum level with subtle body energies to bring about optimal levels of physical health, deep psycho-spiritual insights and stabilization of awakening.

And this is why we are starting our new Awakening Together as a Parents When Your Child Has a Health Issue or Disability mentoring group in which you can ask questions such as these:


My wife is so consumed with caring for our sick child, it’s all she talks about. I care about my daughter too, but sometimes I want to do something else. I miss who my wife used to be before all this began. It’s creating a lot of tension. I love my wife and I want a strong marriage with her. But honestly I am at a loss about what to do.

My husband comes home from work exhausted, and he doesn’t have much energy to help with the children. I understand that he has a very demanding job. But I need a break and especially some help with my sick child. Dinner time has become the time we tend to argue. We need to find a way to enjoy our evenings as a family.

Our daughter is very sick. But my wife and I have different ideas about what kind of health provider my daughter needs. I love my daughter and my wife. I am very concerned about my daughter, but I don’t like that this situation seems to be coming between me and my wife.

I was so looking forward to being a parent but I never thought my son would be born with disabilities. It’s really hard for me to accept that this is my child. I wish I didn’t feel this way but I don’t know how to be a parent to my son. My partner is upset with me and I understand but I don’t know how to get past this. I want a happy marriage and family life again.

What is a HartWisdom Mentoring group for Parents?

* The asterisk at the beginning of the question indicates that this question is specific to this group. Please be sure to take a look at these questions, even if you have read the “What is a HartWisdom Mentoring Group” section somewhere else on the site.

*What is the Awakening Together As Parents Couples Mentoring Group about?

The Awakening Together As Parents Mentoring Group is a group for couples, who want to work on improving their relationship, when they have a child who is sick, had an accident or struggles with being differently-abled. This group is a couples only group, both partners need to join the group.

*Why would we want to join this Awakening Together As Parents Couples Mentoring Group?

There are many relationship classes online, but there are very few places where a couple can go for high quality relationship support, when they have a child, who is coping with an illness, recovering from an accident, or struggles with being differently-abled.

When your child is suffering with a health issue or disability, big changes happen for both partners in the relationship. When your child is dealing with health issues or disabilities, your relationship and your family might be challenged in the following ways:

Conflicts Increase

    • Differences between how you and your partner are adjusting to your child’s diagnosis
    • Different ideas about what kind of health care, education and discipline is best for the sick child

Role Changes

    • Changes that your child’s health imposes on your career or employment
    • Changes that occur, because of the needs of other children in the family

Communication Deteriorates

    • Exhaustion from caring for the needs of your child can affect your ability to communicate effectively
    • Worrying about your child’s recovery can impact your ability to communicate with one another

Recreational Pursuits Change

    • Less time for you as a couple to enjoy yourselves together
    • What you do for fun as a couple might change
    • Time for Intimate Contact might decrease

Couples usually think they have to go through this transition alone, because they think no one else will understand what they are going through.

Most couples don’t realize that their relationship can be threatened by having to make these kinds of adjustments, until it’s too late.

You and your partner don’t have to go through this transition by yourselves! That’s what this mentoring group is all about. Trevor and Sharon will guide you each step of the way.

It’s very possible to learn how to navigate this terrain as a team. When a couple can work together as an effective team, then it’s easier to give the child the support that he/she needs to recover or function better. Couples, who learn how to work as a team to help their child heal, are happier and they find ways to maintain intimate contact with one another.
Joining this mentoring Group now will give you support to make this transition easier for both of you.

*What happens in each Awakening Together as Parents group session?

The Harts will begin each group talking about a variety of topics focused on becoming a team when your child has a health issue or disability. Here are just a few of the topics that might be covered:

  • Improving Communication skills
  • How to stop the “blame game”
  • Ending the power struggle
  • Working through difficult emotions individually and together
  • Adjusting to Changing Roles
  • Parenting as a Team
  • Caring for the rest of the family
  • Spiritualizing your relationship as a way to navigate through challenges
  • Discovering who you really are

The second part of the evening will be devoted to giving individuals the opportunity to ask questions. A sacred space is created and the focus becomes your present moment experience; this allows Trevor and Sharon to fine-tune the wisdom teachings to specific concerns you have.

These groups are small and intimate, so that there is plenty of time for one-on-one support or “mini-sessions” with Trevor or Sharon. There will be opportunities to work with the Harts both as individuals and also as a couple.

*How Do I Get My Partner to Join?

We know that in order for you to get started in this couples group, both you and your partner need to get onboard. If you’re the partner, who is initiating the discussion of joining this couples group, we know that it can be challenging to approach your partner.

Well, you don’t have to do it alone. We have a great deal of experience on how to support couples making this decision to join or not to join.

From our experience we know that there is often an enthusiastic partner and a reluctant partner. We understand both positions and we are willing to work with both of you to discover if this couples’ group is a good match for your needs.

It’s interesting to note that as the weeks go by, those people, who were originally reluctant to join the group, often become the most enthusiastic participants. This has happened over and over. Amazing, but true.

To make this decision easier, we offer a FREE opportunity to talk with the Harts.

You both get a chance to speak to one of the Harts before joining the group. Each of you can call and talk for 15 minutes.

How do I register for the free calls? It’s very simple – just fill out the registration form at the bottom of this page and one of the Harts will get back to you shortly and schedule the call(s).

*Who is this Couples Mentoring group for? Are we a good match for this group?

This group is focused on how couples who are adjusting to caring for a sick child can find inner peace and joy with one another. It’s for couples who usually get along well, but who are facing additional stress because of these health concerns.

It is not a group for couples who are in constant conflict, or who have always had trouble getting along. Couples with these types of challenges probably need private sessions.

*What if we are a couple who is caring for a grandchild, a stepchild, foster child, adopted child or an adult child or an adult sibling with a health issue or disability, can we join the group?

Yes! Yes, if you join the group as a couple working as a team for the benefit of individual listed above you are welcome to join this group. We know that your concerns might be slightly different but your questions are close enough that your questions will be of benefit to the other participants.

*What are the benefits of doing this work in a group rather than in private sessions?

Couples are often very pleased to discover that watching the Harts work with other couples in the group usually provides support for their relationship. It’s almost as if the other couples in the group do some of the work for you, and when it’s your turn, you’ll do the same for them.

This mentoring group format offers you many of the benefits of working with Trevor or Sharon in a private couple’s session at a much lower cost.

In addition, as group members begin to know one another through the work, a strong sense of community develops. Welcome to the HartWisdom Community!

We are not affiliated or sponsored by any religious organization.
Our groups are open to anyone from any religion or spiritual orientation (including atheists), who is interested in exploring Heart Wisdom.

Ongoing Groups Starting Now

*How often do these couples' mentoring groups meet?

Each month you receive two online, video group couples’ sessions on Zoom, with each session lasting an hour and half to two hours. We understand that for a variety of reasons you might want to turn off your camera and that is acceptable. However, the Hart’s ability to facilitate your work as a couple improves greatly if they can see your faces.

When you join a group, initially we ask for a three-month commitment, because we know that it takes most people 6 sessions to have a full sense of how this work can be of benefit to them.

What do you mean by on-going? Can we stay in the group after the initial 6 sessions are over?

Yes! Our groups are ongoing, allowing the group members to continue the spiritual mentoring experience as long as they want. When you and your partner join a group, we ask for a three-month commitment, because we know that it takes most people 6 sessions to have a full sense of how this work can be of benefit to them. After the initial six group sessions, you and your partner can rejoin the group with as many additional two-month commitments as you would like.

*What is the time commitment?

We understand that when your coping with a child’s health issue or disability, time is at a premium. Therefore, there will be no required homework assignments.

However, there will be some short optional homework assignments. These optional assignments will give you an opportunity to prepare for more efficient in-group communication with your partner. If you have the time to complete these assignments even occasionally it would be to your advantage.

But if you can’t complete the assignments we totally understand and your presence in the class is not at all dependent on your completing these optional assignments.

*Can I get an audio recording of a group session if I my child is ill and needs my attention so I can't come to the group meeting?

We highly advise you to attend all couples group calls in person.

We understand that health or disability concerns may impede your ability to attend every group call live.

If your child requires your attention and you cannot attend a particular group session, then contact us and we will provide an audio (not video) recording of that call. Because we want to encourage your attending the calls live, we limit this service to one recording per every eight calls unless you obtain special permission.

This option is only available to those enrolled in the Caring for a Loved One Program only. We do not provide this service for any of our other groups.

We reserve the right to record any group session for our own use.

*What if health concerns could impact our limit to attend every meeting?

We understand that couples who have children with these kinds of challenges might find it difficult to attend every group meeting. Thus, we provide audio recordings of calls upon request.
If the problem becomes critical, then at our discretion, we might give you written permission

  • to postpone sessions and complete them at a later date
  • To switch to a different mentoring group
  • To apply the balance to a private session.

Will we really have an opportunity to work directly with Sharon and Trevor? How many people will be in the group?

Yes! Unlike many similar programs, which enroll hundreds of participants, we are making a conscious decision to keep our groups small. We keep enrollment to a level, where there is plenty of time for everyone in the group to actively participate. If you prefer to just come and listen that is also an option.

I have been told by other people that you have a very long waitlist. Is it possible to get a private session with Trevor and Sharon?

When you participate in any of our groups, you go to the top of the waitlist for private sessions. This is not a guarantee that you will get private sessions with Trevor or Sharon but it does improve your chances of becoming a private client.

*Will Trevor be offering LBE protocols as part of this couples groups? What kind of downloads will he be doing?

Trevor will do his best to provide occasional transmissions from the Organizing Intelligence that are downloaded to everyone in the Awakening As Parents Group sessions from time to time.

The demands on Trevor’s time are extensive, therefore, Trevor will provide this support as often as possible, but it is not guaranteed to occur.

The Lightbody Engineering protocol Trevor intends to provide will focus on aligning your chakras and your intimate partner’s chakras. This can bring you more harmony in all aspects of your relationship.

Trevor does not do health related protocol downloads in the mentoring groups; he only provides those on one on one sessions.

If you don’t want to be included in these protocols that is also acceptable.

I am very interested in experiencing the LightBody Engineering protocols. Will Trevor be providing any LBE protocols during the groups?

We have plans for Trevor to offer LightBody Engineering Protocols in these groups at a later date. Currently, this is only available to those, who have been an active part of our community. Hopefully, we will be able to offer you a series of protocols in these groups starting in January 2021. If you are interested in private sessions, join our email list and also sign up for Trevor’s waitlist.

*What if I want support for parenting my child and my partner isn’t interested in attending with me? Is this Awakening Together as Parents Mentoring Group for group a parent who wants to attend alone?

No. Actually, it’s not. Our Spiritualizing Caregiving Mentoring Group is for individuals who serve as a family caregiver for a loved one. The Spiritual Caregiving group is for family caregivers who provide care out of love (it’s not for professional caregivers who get paid for caregiving). The Spiritualizing Caregivers Group is a group for individuals only so you can come by yourself.

We have another mentoring group called Caring For A Loved One With Autism. This is also a caregiver’s group specifically forparents and guardians who care for someone on the autism spectrum. The Caring for A Loved One with Autism is a group for individuals only so you can come by yourself.

*Is this group appropriate for us to attend if any of our children living at home have a serious alcohol or drug related issue, a serious mental health issue, or a major legal challenge?

No. Unfortunately, there are limits to those we can serve in our HartWisdom Mentoring Programs. If your child is struggling with any of these issues we suggest you find a psychologist or lawyer who specializes in these areas.

I know Trevor’s practice is very full. Will Trevor be attending every session?

Trevor is in the process of shifting his focus from his private work to these HartWisdom Mentoring Groups, but this will happen as a transition that slowly occurs over time. Please understand that Trevor has a sacred contract with his existing clients that must be fulfilled before he transitions to these groups.

As we begin launching these HartWisdom Programs, Trevor’s involvement will be quite limited, and Sharon will often be the primary facilitator and mentor during the initial phase. But as the HartWisdom Programs become more established, and as Trevor begins to reduce the size of his private practice, Trevor’s role and involvement in the HartWisdom groups will increase substantially.

Starting in Fall 2020, Trevor will begin facilitating the following groups with Sharon at least once a month.

Starting early 2021, we expect that Trevor will begin facilitating the following groups with Sharon at least once a month.

These groups will always be facilitated by Sharon

*Who is this group NOT for?

This couples group is NOT for you:

  • If you aren’t interested in personal growth
  • If you are clear that emotions are not something you want to explore
  • If exploring a higher power is something you know that you are not interested in
  • If you like to blame others for your problems
  • If you think you’re beyond hope and you’re not willing to change
  • If you like to argue and debate

For those of you who have partners with the issues listed above, we suggest you choose from the following options:

Sessions for the Awakening Together as Parents: When Your Child Has a Health Issue or Disability Group are ongoing and held

Monday 7:30- 9:30pm EST
twice a month
(except holidays)

When you are accepted to the program, you will be given the dates for the next 12 group sessions.

Registration Form for Couples Groups

When you register, you both get a chance to speak to one of the Harts before joining the group. Each of you can call and talk for 15 minutes.

You can register by yourself by filling out the form below. If your partner agrees, you can include your partner’s name and contact information, or he or she can register later.

Once we have spoken privately to all the couples who are planning to join this group, we will let you know when the group will begin.

* means required field

You may choose to complete the Intake Form below now or after you have had your intake phone call with Sharon.

Program Fees and FAQs

How can we join a group?

Enrollment occurs on an on-going basis, so you and your partner can join any of these HartWisdom groups in progress at any time.

The first step in joining the group is EASY: you can register by yourself by filling out the form above and indicate which group you want to join. If your partner agrees, you can include your partner’s name and contact information, or he or she can register later.

No payment is required at time of registration.

Be sure to provide your correct phone number(s) on the registration form, because the next step in the enrollment process is a short free couples pre-enrollment call.

What is the free couples pre-enrollment call about?

The decision to join a couple’s group is usually an intricate process, usually involving an enthusiastic partner and a reluctant partner. We understand both positions and we are willing to work with both of you to discover if this couples’ group is a good match for your needs. To make this decision easier, we offer a FREE opportunity to talk with the Harts.

You both get a chance to speak to one of the Harts before joining the group.

Each of you can call and talk for 15 minutes or if you prefer you can get on the call together.

How do I register for the free calls? It’s very simple - just fill out the pre-registration form at the bottom of this page and one of the Harts will get back to you shortly and schedule the call(s).

During the call you and your partner can ask any questions you might have about our HartWIsdom mentoring couples’ group. We will also go over the details of our enrollment process and payment methods with both of you at that time.

Then, if there is room in the group you and your partner are requesting, you will be invited to join the group.

How do we decide which couple’s group is the best one for us to take?

We have three couple’s group for you to choose from. Just indicate your choice on your registration form above.

Are we required to have a private couple's session with you before we join the group?

We have discovered that most couple’s need a private couple’s mentoring session with Sharon prior to enrollment. This session will help you to both get on board for the adventure.

This is a prerequisite to joining the group. The cost for the initial one and a half hour couples session is $400; however if you both join one of the HartWisdom couples groups, then the cost is reduced by 50% ($200 off).

Additional sessions are full price unless you apply for one of our special discounts- see below.

To schedule your first couple’s session, contact Sharon at [email protected].

Enrolling in private sessions during the initial enrollment period does not guarantee that you or your partner will become on-going private client(s).

How much does it cost to enroll?

You register for the groups in packages.

  • The initial package is for 6 sessions (3-month).
  • After that you can purchase as many 4-session (2-month) packages as you want.

The cost for joining a HartWisdom mentoring group is $375 per person for your initial package of 6 sessions.

If you join the group after October 15, 2020 the price for the initial 6 sessions goes up to $450.

We are also expecting another price increase after the new year.

These prices are per person, since this is a couples’ group, you will both need to pay the per person cost.

Payment in full is required before attending any group.

Prices and dates are subject to change at any time. We do not offer refunds.

How much does it cost to continue per person after the first package?

You can continue purchasing consecutive blocks of four sessions (2-month) packages for as long as you like.

The current price for a four session (2-month) package is $250. On November 20, the price for a four session (2-month) package goes up to $325.

These prices are per person, since this is a couples’ group, you will both need to pay the per person cost.

As long as you continue buying consecutive 2 month packages, your price remains the same as your initial package of 4 sessions. However, to keep this low price, you need to pay by check and you must register within 5 days of completion of your last package of sessions. Otherwise, the price for the 2 month package reverts to the newest current price.

Payment in full is required before attending any group.

Prices and dates are subject to change at any time. We do not offer refunds.

Are there any special discounts? What are the payment method options?

  • EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: The earlier you decide to enroll the lower the price. (See 'How much does it cost to enroll' above for details)
  • PAY BY CHECK OPTION: If you choose to pay via check for your initial 6 sessions, the cost is reduced by $50.
  • PAYPAL INVOICE- We offer this option for the initial package of 6 sessions ONLY. Let us know if this is how you would like to pay.
  • LOW PRICE EXTENSION: We offer our lowest prices for those who choose to pay using the following methods: (We prefer these options because we want to minimize people going into debt via credit card to pay for our programs.)

    If you use one of these methods, you can reduce your cost by $50 for each payment for a HartWisdom group. Apply for this low-price extension by sending an email to [email protected] and we will send you payment details.

  • SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: We highly advise you speak to us about our partial scholarship program, rather than going into debt to take our course. Apply for our unique Partial Scholarship program by sending an email requesting with the word “mutual gifting” in the subject line to [email protected]. This option is also available for private session work.

Jere Bierhaus

Sharon and I co-taught relationship and couples classes with Dr. Bruce Fisher, author of Rebuilding, When Your Relationship Ends. It was a wonderful and uplifting experience for both of us to have the privilege of working with the late Dr. Fisher, who was a nationally known leader in the field of divorce and relationships. Sharon is compassionate and perceptive, and she established a wonderful rapport with the people in the class, who easily trusted her with their concerns and feelings. It was fascinating to watch her work with couples, as she tracked the concerns of both individuals and guided them towards the discovery of a mutually satisfying solution.

Jere Bierhaus

President of Fisher Seminars

Sophia SharonAnne

Sharon responds to my emotional confusion with a depth of both spiritual and psychological wisdom that is soothing and very helpful.

Sophia SharonAnne

Barrett C. Brown

My work with Trevor has been phenomenal in terms of how much I’ve changed. I am in deep gratitude to spaces he has opened up. From a practical standpoint, I have much more personal power, a stronger relationship to money (resulting in a huge income jump) and a much deeper ability to leverage high impact with a mainstream audience. I feel that he is a savant with a real gifted genius in combination with a lifetime of very intensive personal work combined with genuine lineage transmissions from the past as well as from what I can only describe as the future as well.

Barrett C. Brown

PhD, Organizational Consultant and Author of "The Future of Leadership for Conscious Capitalism"

Pierce D. Nunley

For those of us who find ourselves (either by choice or by circumstance) on a journey of exploration and self-discovery towards multidimensional realms, Trevor Hart is a gifted guide, facilitator, and mentor. I have worked with Trevor regularly for the past four years. Trevor’s assistance and unique gifted guidance has accelerated my exploration in ways that cannot be put into words. He has an amazing ability to ‘meet you where you are’ in this exploration of either a novice or seasoned traveler. I remain grateful to have Trevor walking by my side on this journey.

Pierce D. Nunley


Sara Levine

The work I have done and am doing with Trevor has been so very significant and positive to my life. It feels very special to be a part of this group work. My overall being feels elevated. Anecdotally, after the first group session alone, my acupuncturist felt my “pulses” at the start of our weekly session and kicked me off the table. That had never happened before. Being a part of the group session has been a real blessing in my life.

Sara Levine

Katie Teague

Cosmic shaman meets the practical mystic. This is Trevor Hart. His knowledge and access to the unseen realms and dimensions is breathtaking. His intimate understanding of the lightbody and our collective emergent edge is rare and awesome. And better yet, the protocols and methodologies he has developed to work multidimensionally with others in service of the healing and awakening of humanity is a profound gift to us all.

Katie Teague

Independent Filmmaker


That you hear so clearly and are willing to be taken by TRUTH entirely is evident in your words (the vibration of Them) as well as in your work with others….What grace for those who come to you.


Marin County, California

Sally Carruthers

I have had numerous sessions with Sharon over the years. She brings a unique blend of spiritual wisdom and practical solutions to relationship issues. When I am at my wit’s end with no idea how to move forward with my relationships, I can count on her to listen closely and quickly point me to the root cause of my confusion. Sharon ‘s guidance always presents me with a whole new, fresh and uplifting perspective. She is amazing.

Sally Carruthers

Ed. D Special Education Consultant & Advocate Louisville, CO

Paul Rubin

Sharon’s caring and interdisciplinary skills showed me how to face powerful emotions, dive straight into them and find the joy and connectedness hiding beneath them. Her honesty and integrity helps to create a safe environment in which to explore hidden avenues within the soul. If you have always sensed something deeper in life, dreamed of a life with more richness and love, please find the courage to seek Sharon’s wisdom.

Paul Rubin

Gunbarrel, Co.