Healing Multigenerational Wound

Would you like to know how your family’s ancestral history has impacted your life? 

Would you like to know how healing your multigenerational wound can accelerate your inner growth?  

Would you like to know how to healing your multigenerational wound can support you to stabilize awakening? 

Would you like to know how working on your multigenerational wound can contribute to global awakening? 

What is a multigenerational wound?

Those of us alive today are the first generations in human history to have the benefits of psychol-spiritual healing. Both psychology and eastern spiritual philosophy were not available in the United States until fifty years ago. That means that anyone in our family who was born before that time had virtually no opportunity to work on healing traumatic psycho-spiritual wounds.

A multigenerational wound is the accumulated trauma that happened to your parents, grandparents, great-grand parents and all previous ancestors that was not healed before you were born.

Do I have a multigenerational wound?

Yes, everyone currently on Earth inherited a multi-generational wound from their family of origin. The emotional and spiritual trauma (such as a famine, a war, an earthquake, a plane crash, a rape, a serious illness, etc.) that happened to anyone in your family who is older than you, or who is in your direct ancestral lineage can impact your psycho-spiritual health today.

How does working on my own inner growth heal my multigenerational wound?

If you have been working on your own psycho-spiritual healing, then you have already begun the initial process of healing the multigenerational wound that you inherited from previous generations.

What do you mean?

Not long after you began working on your psycho-spiritual healing it probably became clear to you that the patterns of behavior that you struggle to change in your life could be traced back to stressful periods of your childhood. These stressful periods that happened in your childhood were not only impacted by your parents, siblings, teachers, neighbors, and friends, but also by the unhealed pain that was passed down to you through your grandparents’ relationship to your parents, and back through each generation of your ancestry.

How does healing a multigenerational wound work?

Many people are becoming curious how events in their ancestral history are impacting their beliefs and worldview today. You might have explored your ancestry online, or even had a DNA test to see what happened in your family before you were born. When you become aware of where and when your ancestors lived, you can learn more about how cultural, political, social and historical events impacted your family’s life before you were born.

Here is an example, let’s say your father who was stationed on an aircraft carrier in the pacific that eventually sank during WW2. Perhaps, as you research online what soldiers in WW2 experienced when a large vessel sank, you realize that it’s possible that your dad was subject to the horrors of a massive shark attack. Although your father never mentioned the incident to you, through discussions with other family members you learn that indeed is what happened to your father as a young man.

Suddenly, you realize that your irrational fear of everything related to the ocean, actually makes sense. You realize that your fear is connected to your father’s fear. Since he never had the opportunity to heal from that traumatic event, it was passed on to you. As you process this terror that you absorbed, you are healing a multigenerational wound.

Why would I want to work on healing my multigenerational wound?

When you heal a multigenerational wound, you are healing at a very deep level. Multigenerational wound healing can allow you to make changes in your life that might be difficult otherwise. But there is actually much more to it than this.
Through some amazing holographic thread that runs through humanity, you become aware that as you work to heal your multigenerational wound, you are healing the underlying cultural wound of your family of origin. This liberates you at a profound level and allows you to leap out of old paradigms that no longer serve you. When you are free from this old karma, you develop new perspectives that contribute to your awakening. It’s like the strings that bind you to the past untangle and you are free to live a more authentic life.

In fact, multigenerational healing can actually support you to stabilize awakening such that you remember more clearly the truth of your being throughout your daily life.

Why is this multigenerational work so important given the times of uncertainty we are currently experiencing?

Currently, humanity is going through a challenging time. Humanity is coming out of denial of our collective shadow. The collective multigenerational wounds of everyone on the planet is the same thing as our collective shadow.

What can I do to contribute to humanity’s awakening?

Healing your multigenerational wound is one of the best ways you can contribute to accelerating humanity’s awakening. As you work through your own psycho-spiritual and multi-generational wound, you are contributing to healing that extends to people who are experiencing similar ancestral and cultural wounds.

Here’s another example; If you come from the Irish culture then as you work with the impact that the potato famine or indentured servitude had on your family, then you are clearing a path for other people who come from similar roots to release the karma of that era of human history.

When you realize this, you can consciously choose to address this multigenerational wound. Then, your work on yourself becomes an acupuncture point for global healing.

In the Healing the Multigenerational Wound Group, you will not only be working on healing your multigenerational wound, but you will also be contributing to healing the multigenerational wound of other people in the group as well. In this way we can clear humanity’s dark shadow and let in more light for global healing.

Why isn’t meditation working for me right now?

Maybe you have benefited from meditation in the past, but when you try to meditate lately it doesn’t seem to work like it used to. That’s because during times of uncertainty there is an increase in the intensity of feelings like grief, fear and frustration. The intensity of what you are feeling can seem to make meditation inaccessible.

Who is this group for?

People often want to know how to decide which of the Inner Peace in Times of Uncertainty Groups is the right one for them to join.

The Healing the Multigenerational Wound Group is an advanced group for individuals who:

  • Have been on the spiritual path for a while
  • Have practiced meditation from time to time
  • Have been made substantial inner growth usually involving psychotherapy
  • Have an interest in exploring their ancestry
  • Have a strong desire for psycho-spiritual growth

Would one of the other Mentoring Groups in the Inner Peace in Times of Uncertainty Program be a better match for me?

If you are just beginning to work on your inner growth, then we highly advice that you start with the Shifting Paradigms group.

Who is this group not for?

  • If you aren’t interested in personal growth
  • If you are clear that emotions are not something you want to explore
  • If exploring a higher power is something you know you’re not interested in
  • If you like to blame others for your problems
  • If you think you’re beyond hope and you’re not willing to change
  • If someone else is making you come to the group, but you don’t really want to come
  • If you like to argue and debate

Why isn’t meditation working for me right now?

Maybe you have benefited from meditation in the past, but when you try to meditate lately it doesn’t seem to work like it used to. That’s because during times of uncertainty there is an increase in the intensity of feelings like grief, fear and frustration. The intensity of what you are feeling can seem to make meditation inaccessible.

What the Healing the Multigenerational Wound Mentoring Group will give you

Discovering more about your ancestral history
Developing a better understanding of where your belief systems originated
Accelerating inner growth
Improving your ability to change patterns of behavior and belief systems that no longer serve you
Living a more authentic life
Clarifying who you really are
Stabilizing awakening
Remembering more clearly the truth of your being throughout your daily life
Contributing to healing humanity’s shadow
Finding inner peace and joy within
Joining a community that understands and supports inner growth

Meet Sharon Hart-

Spiritual Mentor Guide for Multigenerational Wound Group

Sharon and Trevor Hart

Sharon Hart, M.A. has a phenomenal gift for encouraging her clients/students to perceive the world from a place of inner peace, freedom, and joy–no matter what is happening in their lives. Sharon received her post-graduate degree in transpersonal psychotherapy, and is currently a spiritual mentor, an author, and the founder of Quantum Dialogue Works TM (QDW).

Quantum Dialogue Works is a new way to clear emotional blocks that prevent you from living life in Oneness. When you are overwhelmed, it makes it much easier to move forward, make the changes you want to make and sustain spiritual awakening in your daily life.  (see bio)

What is a HartWisdom Mentoring Group?

What is a HartWisdom Mentoring Group?

HartWisdom Mentoring Groups provide an opportunity to gather together in times of uncertainty and discover how heart wisdom can open a portal to inner peace, unity consciousness, and sublime fulfillment.

Trevor and Sharon Hart designed these HartWisdom Mentoring Groups to show you how to use these times of global unrest and personal distress, as a stepping stone on your transformational journey.

Through HartWisdom, this transformational journey has the power to take us from the world in flux that we live in now to the golden age of compassion, cooperation and untold possibilities for ourselves and for humanity.

Would you like to immerse yourself in a potent, on-going HartWisdom mentoring experience, where you can ask your deepest spiritual questions?

Our HartWisdom Mentoring Groups offer you a blend of personal attention and the power of group synergy.

These HartWisdom Mentoring Groups are structured around your present moment experience; this allows Trevor and Sharon to fine-tune the wisdom teachings to specific concerns you have. These groups are small and intimate, so that there is plenty of time for one-on-one support or “mini-sessions” with Trevor or Sharon.

When you ask a question in the group, a sacred space is created, in which Trevor or Sharon takes you on an inward spiritual journey. This offers you many of the benefits of working with Trevor or Sharon in a private session at a lower cost.

Will I really have an opportunity to work directly with the Harts in these group sessions?

Yes! Unlike many spiritual programs, which enroll hundreds of participants, we are making a conscious decision to keep our groups small. We keep enrollment to a level, where there is plenty of time for people to ask questions and take turns in mini-sessions. We will work directly with at least three to five people, who want to ask a question during each session. If you want to just come and listen, that is also an option.

Why are these mentoring groups focused on a theme?

Most spiritual mentoring groups usually don’t have themes, but we chose to have themes because by focusing the mentoring groups on a particular theme, it’s easier for members of the group to benefit from the questions presented by other participants.

What are the benefits of doing this work in a group?

One of the great benefits of working with a HartWisdom mentoring group is the synergistic awareness that forms within the group. This group consciousness works on a subtle level to gently empower your work in the “mini-sessions”. In addition, as group members begin to know one another through the work, a strong sense of community develops.

We are not affiliated or sponsored by any religious organization.
Our groups are open to anyone from any religion or spiritual orientation (including atheists), who is interested in exploring Heart Wisdom.

Ongoing Groups Starting Now

How often do these mentoring groups meet?

Each month you receive two online, audio only group sessions. Each session lasts an hour and half to two hours.
When you join a group, initialy we ask for a three-month commitment, because we know that it takes most people 6 sessions to have a full sense of how this work can be of benefit to them.

What do you mean by on-going? Can I stay in the group after the initial 6 sessions are over?

Yes! Our groups are ongoing, allowing the group members to continue the mentoring experience as long as they want. After the initial six group sessions, you can rejoin the group with as many additional two-month commitments as you would like.

What is the time commitment?

For individuals, there is no set curriculum in this mentoring format, thus beyond actually attending each meeting, there is no additional time commitment – no homework or teaching videos to review.

Will there be recordings of each mentoring group session?

For individuals, we will not be providing recordings of the sessions for participants for multiple reasons. One reason involves respecting the privacy concerns of group members, and another reason is that we feel that it is very important for you to attend each session in person. We, however, reserve the right to record any group session for our own use.

I know Trevor’s practice is very full. Will Trevor be attending every session?

Currently, Trevor is on sabbatical, and he will not be facilitating this group. For now, Sharon will be facilitating these groups alone. It is our intention for Trevor to join Sharon in facilitating these groups in the future.

I am very interested in experiencing the LightBody Engineering protocols. Will Trevor be providing any LBE protocols during the groups?

We have plans for Trevor to offer LightBody Engineering Protocols in these groups at a later date. If you are interested in private sessions, join our email list and also sign up for Trevor’s waitlist.

I have been told by other people that you have a very long waitlist. Is it possible to get a private session with Trevor and Sharon?

When you participate in any of our groups, you go to the top of the waitlist for private sessions. This is not a guarantee that you will get private sessions with Trevor or Sharon, but it does improve your chances of becoming a private client.

Sessions for the Healing the Multigenerational Wound Group are ongoing and held

Thursday nights
6:00-7:30 pm ET
Start time 5:00 CST, 4:00 MST, 3:00 PST

(except holidays)

This group is facilitated by Sharon Hart
Trevor is on Sabbatical

When you are accepted to the program, you will be given the dates for the next 12 group sessions.

Register now for these groups.

Just enter your details in the form below.

(Investment details and FAQs beneath the form.)

* means required field

You may choose to complete the Intake Form below now or after you have had your intake phone call with Sharon.

Program Fees and FAQs

How do I join a group?

Enrollment occurs on an on-going basis, so you can join any of our HartWIsdom groups in progress at any time. The first step in joining the group is EASY: just register by filling out the form above and indicate which group you want to join.

No payment is required at time of registration.

Be sure to provide your correct phone number on the registration form, because the next step in the enrollment process is a short free pre-enrollment call, during which time you can ask any questions you might have about our HartWisdom mentoring programs. We will also go over the details of our enrollment process and payment methods with you at that time.

If there is room in the group you are requesting, you will be invited to join the group.

How much does it cost to enroll?

You register for the groups in packages.

  • The initial package is for 6 sessions (3-month).
  • After that you can purchase as many 4-session (2-month) packages as you want.

The cost for joining a HartWisdom mentoring group is $375 per person for your initial package of 6 sessions.
If you join the group after July 1, 2022 the price for the initial 6 sessions goes up to $450.
We are also expecting another price increase after the new year.

Payment in full is required before attending any group.

Prices and dates are subject to change at any time. We do not offer refunds.

How much does it cost to continue per person after the first package?

You can continue purchasing consecutive blocks of four sessions (2-month) packages for as long as you like.

The current price for a four session (2-month) package is $250. On November 20, the price for a four session (2-month) package goes up to $325. We are also expecting another price increase after the new year.

As long as you continue buying consecutive 2 month packages, your price remains the same as your initial package of 4 sessions. However, to keep this low price, you need to pay by check and you must register within 5 days of completion of your last package of sessions.

Otherwise, the price for the 2 month package reverts to the newest current price.

Payment in full is required before attending any group.Prices and dates are subject to change at any time. We do not offer refunds.

Are there any special discounts? What are the payment method options?

  • EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: The earlier you decide to enroll the lower the price. (See ‘How much does it cost to enroll’ above for details)
  • PAY BY CHECK OPTION: If you choose to pay via check for your initial 6 sessions, the cost is reduced by $50.
  • PAYPAL INVOICE- We offer this option for the initial package of 6 sessions ONLY. Let us know if this is how you would like to pay.
  • LOW PRICE EXTENSION: We offer our lowest prices for those who choose to pay using the following methods: (We prefer these options because we want to minimize people going into debt via credit card to pay for our programs.)

    If you use one of these methods, you can reduce your cost by $50 for each payment for a HartWisdom group. Apply for this low-price extension by sending an email to [email protected] and we will send you payment details.

  • SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: We highly advise you speak to us about our partial scholarship program, rather than going into debt to take our course. Apply for our unique Partial Scholarship program by sending an email requesting with the word “mutual gifting” in the subject line to [email protected]. This option is also available for private session work.

Jere Bierhaus

Sharon and I co-taught relationship and couples classes with Dr. Bruce Fisher, author of Rebuilding, When Your Relationship Ends. It was a wonderful and uplifting experience for both of us to have the privilege of working with the late Dr. Fisher, who was a nationally known leader in the field of divorce and relationships. Sharon is compassionate and perceptive, and she established a wonderful rapport with the people in the class, who easily trusted her with their concerns and feelings. It was fascinating to watch her work with couples, as she tracked the concerns of both individuals and guided them towards the discovery of a mutually satisfying solution.

Jere Bierhaus

President of Fisher Seminars

Sophia SharonAnne

Sharon responds to my emotional confusion with a depth of both spiritual and psychological wisdom that is soothing and very helpful.

Sophia SharonAnne

Barrett C. Brown

My work with Trevor has been phenomenal in terms of how much I’ve changed. I am in deep gratitude to spaces he has opened up. From a practical standpoint, I have much more personal power, a stronger relationship to money (resulting in a huge income jump) and a much deeper ability to leverage high impact with a mainstream audience. I feel that he is a savant with a real gifted genius in combination with a lifetime of very intensive personal work combined with genuine lineage transmissions from the past as well as from what I can only describe as the future as well.

Barrett C. Brown

PhD, Organizational Consultant and Author of "The Future of Leadership for Conscious Capitalism"

Pierce D. Nunley

For those of us who find ourselves (either by choice or by circumstance) on a journey of exploration and self-discovery towards multidimensional realms, Trevor Hart is a gifted guide, facilitator, and mentor. I have worked with Trevor regularly for the past four years. Trevor’s assistance and unique gifted guidance has accelerated my exploration in ways that cannot be put into words. He has an amazing ability to ‘meet you where you are’ in this exploration of either a novice or seasoned traveler. I remain grateful to have Trevor walking by my side on this journey.

Pierce D. Nunley


Sara Levine

The work I have done and am doing with Trevor has been so very significant and positive to my life. It feels very special to be a part of this group work. My overall being feels elevated. Anecdotally, after the first group session alone, my acupuncturist felt my “pulses” at the start of our weekly session and kicked me off the table. That had never happened before. Being a part of the group session has been a real blessing in my life.

Sara Levine

Katie Teague

Cosmic shaman meets the practical mystic. This is Trevor Hart. His knowledge and access to the unseen realms and dimensions is breathtaking. His intimate understanding of the lightbody and our collective emergent edge is rare and awesome. And better yet, the protocols and methodologies he has developed to work multidimensionally with others in service of the healing and awakening of humanity is a profound gift to us all.

Katie Teague

Independent Filmmaker


That you hear so clearly and are willing to be taken by TRUTH entirely is evident in your words (the vibration of Them) as well as in your work with others….What grace for those who come to you.


Marin County, California

Sally Carruthers

I have had numerous sessions with Sharon over the years. She brings a unique blend of spiritual wisdom and practical solutions to relationship issues. When I am at my wit’s end with no idea how to move forward with my relationships, I can count on her to listen closely and quickly point me to the root cause of my confusion. Sharon ‘s guidance always presents me with a whole new, fresh and uplifting perspective. She is amazing.

Sally Carruthers

Ed. D Special Education Consultant & Advocate Louisville, CO

Paul Rubin

Sharon’s caring and interdisciplinary skills showed me how to face powerful emotions, dive straight into them and find the joy and connectedness hiding beneath them. Her honesty and integrity helps to create a safe environment in which to explore hidden avenues within the soul. If you have always sensed something deeper in life, dreamed of a life with more richness and love, please find the courage to seek Sharon’s wisdom.

Paul Rubin

Gunbarrel, Co.