Caring for a Loved One Program
Choose the HartWisdom Mentoring Group that’s right for you!
Spiritualizing Caregiving
Caring For A Loved One with Autism
This group is for anyone caring for a loved one —
- whether that person is your child, stepchild, adult child or grandchild
- whether that person is your parent, sibling, aunt, uncle or grandparent
- whether the person you are caring for has an acute illness, chronic illness, has had an accident, an aging challenge or is differently abled
- Whether you have been caring for your loved one for one day or 20 years
- Whether your loved one lives alone, lives with you, or has some other living situation.
This group is for all kinds of family caregiver relationships!
Although on the surface the work of the caregiver looks drudgery, quality caregiving requires huge reservoirs of compassion, and inner strength that can only be accessed through connecting with Source. From this heightened awareness, the caregiver can perceive what is happening with the loved one’s health with more clarity. From this quiet inner stillness, even when the caregiver is not sure how to proceed, quite spontaneously answers concerning the next step in healing can appear.
One of the goals of this group is to provide spiritual mentoring that encourages you to move through difficult moments with grace and inner peace.
“In other words, you can either spend your life caught in hopelessness or you can have the courage to walk right into the place in your heart that is heavy. And in that act of courage lies the possibility of discovering inner peace.”
~Sharon and Trevor Hart
What good can come from living with a family member with autism?
How do I find the strength to keep dealing with autism day after day?
When life with autism gets hard, you have a choice.
You can either give up and let the situation diminish you…
Or you can rise up, and let the situation bring out the best in you.
You’re probably thinking, “That sounds good, but do you have any idea how impossibly difficult it is to live with autism? How do you expect me to “rise up” when autism keeps pulling me down.”
Like many mothers of autistic children, Sharon Hart knows what it’s like to raise a child:
- who cannot speak
- who does not look at you
- who seems to be cut off from all social contact
- who appears to be beyond hope for a life that is fulfilling.
Sharon gave birth to Jaison in 1989, when autism affected one in ten thousand births. Today, one in 69 children are born with autism. Sharon has paved the way for a whole new generation and as such is a “foremother” in the field of autism.
Let’s make this easy. How about just starting with reading Sharon’s story about how she found inner peace just at the moment that her strength seemed to give out will inspire and uplift you.
How Trevor and Sharon moved through times of uncertainty with grace and courage….
Through a series of multiple crises, including raising a child with severe special needs, they have learned both individually and as a team how to flow with change on a practical level, while simultaneously maintaining their inner eye on the Divine. They used their challenges as a catalyst to deeper awakening. And they developed the Caring for a Loved One Mentoring Groups as an outgrowth from the inner strength and heart wisdom that they learned along the way. This program in many ways is the symbol of their co-creative and ever-expanding marriage.
Sharon and Trevor are spiritual wisdom teachers who have mastered uncertainty and challenge in their own lives. After teaching hundreds of students to negotiate difficult times, you can be sure that they will understand what you are up against. Their living example and clear teaching method gives participants courage to leap beyond uncertainty to discover a clear path to inner strength and heart wisdom.