Shifting Paradigms
Are you finding that it’s harder and harder to tell what is true and what isn’t true?
Are you longing for the world to return to normal, but it doesn’t seem to be happening fast enough?
Most of us feel overwhelmed and confused by what is happening in the world today.
Things are not happening the way we thought things were going to happen.
We find ourselves saying, “I can’t believe what’s happening in this country!”
It’s like the world view we hold in our minds isn’t jiving with what we actually see happening in the world around us. The paradigms we have constructed are no longer reliable. And at the moment, we seem to have no way to construct a new world view, because things are changing too fast.
We make plans on a personal or business level, and suddenly the waves of change that are happening on a global level knock our plans down. We don’t know what it’s going to take to get from where we are to where we want to go. We used to know. We used to be able to predict outcomes. Sometimes we still think we can. And then out of nowhere something happens on a larger scale, and we keep having to adjust our plans again and again. We understandably feel worn out and frustrated.
Without predictability we feel adrift. And when this happens over and over, we come face to face with our fear of the unknown.
Fear of the unknown can look like a monster that you want to run away from. But if you turn and face fear directly, and you keep your mind still, then something quite unexpected happens. The fear begins to melt into spaciousness. And the spaciousness turns into peace. Trevor and Sharon can show you how to face fear in this way, and it’s much easier to do than you would imagine.
This Shifting Paradigms mentoring group is about what it takes to make a leap in understanding that allows us to shift paradigms from an old paradigm that isn’t working to a whole new perspective, which actually gives us a way to move forward. Making this shift can take us from hopelessness to inner fulfillment.
Who Is this Group For?
People often want to know how to decide which of the Inner Peace in Times of Uncertainty Groups is the right one for them to join.
The Shifting Paradigms Mentoring Group is for you, if you are in shock over the magnitude of the lies that have come from governments, the media, and corporations, etc. Maybe you have begun to see how great the impact of these lies has been on your own life, and the life of your loved ones. Do you feel like you are questioning everything you have believed in and you aren’t sure who you are anymore? Does this dilemma have you unsure of how to move forward in your life? Then this is the right group for you.
Some of the people in the The Shifting Paradigms Mentoring Group (but not all the people in this group) will have been personally impacted by waves of global change. For example, global changing weather patterns might have damaged your home, or global health care issues might have resulted in the loss of a loved one. Or it might be that something like this happened to a friend of yours and you are struggling with the injustice of it.
If you both groups appeal to you, then just take a moment and quiet your mind and ask yourself which one you want to take first.
What about political differences?
This is a time of healing and spiritual upliftment. It’s about recognizing the Oneness that is at the core of life. You are welcome to attend the Shifting Paradigms group no matter what you believe. Compassion and inner peace is what we are striving for here. Political debate will not be tolerated. If you want to debate the issues, please find another avenue.
Who This Group is NOT for?
In addition, this group is NOT for you:
- If you aren’t interested in personal growth
- If you are clear that emotions are not something you want to explore
- If exploring a higher power is something you know that you are not interested in
- If you like to blame others for your problems
- If you think you’re beyond hope and you’re not willing to change
- If you like to argue and debate
What the Shifting Paradigms Mentoring Group will give you
What is a HartWisdom Mentoring Group?
HartWisdom Mentoring Groups provide an opportunity to discover how tuning into your heart of compassion can open a portal to inner peace, wisdom, unity consciousness, and sublime fulfillment, even in times of uncertainty.
Trevor and Sharon Hart designed these groups to show you how global unrest and personal distress can be a stepping stone on your transformational journey.
HartWisdom Mentoring Groups Are Structured Around a Theme
In the process of creating a variety of courses over the last several years, it became obvious that the depth, and especially the breadth, of wisdom that Sharon and Trevor have to share is extensive. It is simply too vast to capture in a course format, and so the idea of offering HartWisdom spiritual mentoring groups was born.
Most other spiritual mentoring groups don’t have themes or topics and people can bring up any type of spiritual question or life problem with the spiritual teacher.
The Harts, however, decided that it would improve the spiritual mentoring experience, if group participants shared a similar concern or interest. When members share a similar interest, then it’s easier for participants to benefit from the questions presented by other participants.
- There are five Hartwisdom Mentoring Groups for Individuals. Each group is structured around a different theme.
- The theme for this group is Shifting Paradigms.
- When you ask a question in the group, a sacred space is created, in which Sharon takes you on an inward spiritual journey
- These groups are small and intimate, so that there is plenty of time for one-on-one support or “mini-sessions” with Sharon.
- These Mentoring Groups are structured around your present moment experience; this allows Sharon to fine-tune the wisdom teachings to specific concerns you have.
- Our groups offer you a blend of personal attention and the power of group synergy.
- The synergistic awareness and group consciousness that forms within the group works on a subtle level to gently empower the work that happens in these HartWisdom Mentoring Groups.
- As group members begin to know one another through the work, a strong sense of community develops.
- This offers you many of the benefits of working with Sharon in a private session at a lower cost.
Through HartWisdom, this transformational journey has the power to take us from the world in flux that we live in now to the golden age of compassion, cooperation and untold possibilities for ourselves and for humanity.
We are not affiliated or sponsored by any religious organization.
Our groups are open to anyone from any religion or spiritual orientation (including atheists), who is interested in exploring Heart Wisdom.
Meet Sharon Hart-
Spiritual Mentor Guide for Shifting Paradigms Group
Sharon Hart, M.A. has a phenomenal gift for encouraging her clients/students to perceive the world from a place of inner peace, freedom, and joy–no matter what is happening in their lives. Sharon received her post-graduate degree in transpersonal psychotherapy, and is currently a spiritual mentor, an author, and the founder of Quantum Dialogue Works TM (QDW).
Quantum Dialogue Works is a new way to clear emotional blocks that prevent you from living life in Oneness. When you are overwhelmed, it makes it much easier to move forward, make the changes you want to make and sustain spiritual awakening in your daily life. (see bio)
Sessions for the Shifting Paradigms Group are ongoing and held
Monday Nights 6:00-7:30 pm EST,
Starts 5:00 CST, 4:00 MST, 3:00 PST
twice a month
(except holidays)
This group is facilitated by Sharon Hart
Trevor is on Sabbatical
When you are accepted to the program, you will be given the dates for the next 12 group sessions.
You may choose to complete the Intake Form below now or after you have had your intake phone call with Sharon.
Program Fees
Initial Program Fee
The cost for joining the Shifting Paradigms Group is $375 per person for your initial package of 6 sessions. Rates expected to increase to $450.00 by July 1, 2022 or sooner.
Ongoing Enrollment Fee
You can continue purchasing consecutive blocks of four sessions (2-month) packages for as long as you like.
The current price for a four session (2-month) package is $250. Rates expected to increase to $325.00 by July 1, 2022 or sooner.
These prices are per person.
There will be no price increase if you renew your package consecutively. However, to keep this low price, you need to pay by check and you must register within 5 days of completion of your last package of sessions.
Payment in full is required before attending any group.
Prices and dates are subject to change at any time. We do not offer refunds except if we change the time of the group.
Discounts & Payment Method Options
- EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: The demand for this group and our desire to keep group size means that we have frequent price increases. As much as possible we will post upcoming fee changes by date. But the best way to deal with this is to register quickly.
- PAY BY CHECK OPTION: If you choose to pay via check for your initial 6 sessions, the cost is reduced by $50.
- PAYPAL INVOICE- We offer this option for the initial package of 6 sessions ONLY. Let us know if this is how you would like to pay.
- LOW PRICE EXTENSION: We offer our lowest prices for those who choose to pay using the following methods: (We prefer these options because we want to minimize people going into debt via credit card to pay for our programs.)
If you use one of these methods, you can reduce your cost by $50 for each payment for a HartWisdom group. Apply for this low-price extension by sending an email to [email protected] and we will send you payment details.
- Check
- (Available now)
- SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: We highly advise you speak to us about our partial scholarship program, rather than going into debt to take our course. Apply for our unique Partial Scholarship program by sending an email requesting with the word “mutual gifting” in the subject line to [email protected]. This option is also available for private session work.
How do I join a group?
No payment is required at time of registration.
Be sure to provide your correct phone number on the registration form, because the next step in the enrollment process is a short free pre-enrollment call, during which time you can ask any questions you might have about our HartWisdom mentoring programs. We will also go over the details of our enrollment process and payment methods with you at that time.
If there is room in the group you are requesting, you will be invited to join the group.
Will I really have an opportunity to work directly with Sharon in these group sessions?
How often do these mentoring groups meet?
When you join a group, initially we ask for a three-month commitment, because we know that it takes most people 6 sessions to have a full sense of how this work can be of benefit to them.
What do you mean by on-going? Can I stay in the group after the initial 6 sessions are over?
What is the time commitment?
Will there be recordings of each mentoring group session?
I know Trevor’s practice is very full. Will Trevor be attending every session?
Currently, Trevor is on sabbatical, and he will not be facilitating this group. For now, Sharon will be facilitating these groups alone. It is our intention for Trevor to join Sharon in facilitating these groups in the future.
I am very interested in experiencing the LightBody Engineering protocols. Will Trevor be providing any LBE protocols during the groups?
We have plans for Trevor to offer LightBody Engineering Protocols in these groups at a later date. If you are interested in private sessions, join our email list and also sign up for Trevor’s waitlist.